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Gillian Williams McClean, BA Hons, CDMP, is the Chief Communications Strategist, Director and Publisher at GMJ Creative Hands, Inc. She is a communications professional with more than thirty-five years of experience in the public, private and volunteer sectors. Gillian excels in leading and training individuals and teams to engage with the corporate vision, mission and strategic direction, and to heighten their involvement in the attainment of organizational goals. She is a certified provider of 4D-i® psychometric assessments that support organizational learning, development and resilience. Gillian is also a certified Smarter Meetings Trainer who helps teams to master the proven One Smart World process for improving meeting efficiency and productivity. She is a certified ChangeDriver™ Master Practitioner (CDMP) qualified to help organizations effectively manage and successfully realize change. 


Areas of Specialization

Communications Planning and Management:  Creating strategic communications plans to support the achievement of corporate and departmental goals. Working with senior management, boards of directors and volunteers to define, communicate, execute and evaluate strategic plans that achieve organizational objectives.

Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging: Working independently and with organizations such as Good Governance for Good Causes, Humber College, and Mussio La Grassa to develop courses and facilitate workshops that assist participants to understand, incorporate and value the benefits of fair, diverse and inclusive workplaces.

Professional Writing:  Researching and writing Request for Information and Proposal (RFP/RFI) responses; trade and consumer-facing articles; executive correspondence and speeches; annual reports; and promotional copy.


GMJ Creative Hands, Inc. also works in collaboration with ColinMcClean.com, KeepMovingForward.ca, Mussio La Grassa, One Smart World and Ryelle Strategy Group to deliver communications, change realization, and leadership training services to public, not-for-profit and private sector clients.

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